Google and find what others say about ear candling. There are many views on ear candling and its effectiveness. In NAS, we believe in convincing you by our actions.
The below is done in two sessions. Lavander and Rose ear candles were used in this experiment. Continue reading and be the judge.
The yellow thing is actually a small sponge measuring 1.5cm.

Now, get ready for ear candling. Please prepare a bowl/cup of water just in case.
First, light up the ear candle.

Second, insert it to your ear.

Let the fire burn till it touches the line and put out the flamenusing the bowl/cup of water. The line is indicated on every candle.
Third: Warning!
The image below may cause discomfort. Continue at your own risk.
The image below may cause discomfort. Continue at your own risk.

The white or light yellow part is soap or shampoo that gets into your ears while showering.
The brown part is ear wick.
All right. Both sides done.

You have seen what ear candling do. It is up to you to believe what it does.
We are proud to announce ear candles is available for sale at $8 a pair now! Enjoy 50% off for your second pair. $5 each pair for purchase of 3 pairs or more!
Enjoy free delivery anywhere in Singapore. No minimum order.
Contact us at 91178193 or e-mail us at for bulk purchase.

Contact us at 91178193 or e-mail us at for bulk purchase.